I am Eva. I am single not because no man wants me but because I choose to be so. I am a woman of the universe. I am not in search of anything or anyone, Nor am I wanting. Remember - a woman can be anything that the man who loves her would have her be. But do I want to be what my man wants me to be? Hell, no! I'll be what I want to be and he can be what I want him to be!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
May 2009 Bring Us Good Things!
We're in recession...people get laid off, inflation, war and war.
Don't know whether Obama is any different from his predecessors with regards to handling of Israel in the Mid-east conflict!
Oh well....Have a good new year....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Next Time, I'll Be There..
I was invited by Tok Mommy (Kak Maria) for a bloggers' bash. Actually, it was an invite through another invitation. I was thrilled, yet a little apprehensive.
Truth be told. It was not easy because I'd have to "blow my cover". No more anonymity.
Would people be expecting an "Eva"? Kak Maria told me that a joke was going around the Tuesday Mee Rebus sessions that some people are convinced that I'm a 6-footer Sikh male.
Kak Maria herself asked me about me.I told her I ain't telling. although I gave her BROAD hints.
I'll be honest -- I'm no 6-footer although I am tall. Nor am I male or a Sikh.
To cut a story short -- I missed the bloggers bash at the Curve on Saturday Nov 29 because I was at the other end of the Klang Valley, stuck in a horrendous traffic jam.
Was looking forward to meeting Kak Maria, Nuraina, Kerp, MadSalo, Rocky and the others.
I suppose Somebody else had good reason to not let me be there.
It would have to be "next time"....
So, until the next time in this lifetime....you guys rock!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
State Of Emergency At Bangkok Airports As Rumours Of Coup Abound
That people power is deceptive because the real power in Thailand lies in the military.
These protests are just being allowed because the military is allowing it to a point when it has the government on its knees.
Already there are rumours of a coup.
Just read The New York Times that a a state of emergency has been declared at Bangkok’s two commercial airports today.
Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat against whom the protest is made, instructed police to deal with protesters occupying the facilities, Thai media reported.
Of course the people are protesting, Somchai is ousted leader Thaksin Shinawatra's brother-in-law.
Read the story here.
And on the coup, here
Friday, November 21, 2008
Judge Orders Guantanamo Releases
Many of them I am very sure are innocent.
Punish the guilty. Release the innocent!
Read this Al-Jazeera report:
A US judge has ruled that five Algerians held in the US prison facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for almost seven years had been illegally detained and must be freed.
Richard Leon, a US district judge in Washington DC, said the US government had "failed to show by burden of proof" that the five men had allegedly planned to go to Afghanistan to fight US-led forces there.
However the judge did find that a sixth Algerian man, seized alongside the other men in Bosnia-Hercegovina in 2001, had been legally detained.
The ruling follows the first hearings under a landmark US supreme court ruling in June - based on a case brought by lawyers for Lakhdar Boumediene, one of the Algerian men - that gave Guantanamo prisoners the legal right to challenge their continued detention.
The June ruling said that inmates in Guantanamo Bay had the right to know under what charges they were being held and what the evidence was against them.
Thursday's decision marks a fresh embarrassment over the camp for the Bush administration and comes after Barack Obama, the US president-elect, pledged to close the prison camp after taking office in January.
The White House said later on Thursday it disagreed with the court's ruling and that the Justice Department was reviewing the decision on the five Algerians.
"This ruling does demonstrate the need for Congress to enact procedures that allow these petitions to be adjudicated in a way that is fair to the detainee but that allows the government to present its case without imperiling national security," said Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman.
Controversial cases The US government had accused all six of the men of planning to travel to But their lawyers say there is no evidence the men ever would have ended up ona battlefield or posed any threat to the US. Michael Ratner from the Centre for Constitutional Rights, who acted as a legal advisor to the men, told Al Jazeera he was overjoyed by the verdict. "This is a huge huge decision. Not only for those five men but for how it showed that the US government was off the chart in what it was doing to people." Ratner said he hoped that the decision would lead to similar rulings in other cases involving Guantanamo detainees. Judge Leon said the allegation against the men was based on a single source and that he did not have enough information to judge the source's reliability or credibility. However the judge ruled the government did provide enough evidence that one of the detainees, Belkacem Bensayah, had planned to take up arms against the US in Afghanistan. Boumediene and the other five men were initially detained by US authorities on suspicion of plotting to bomb the US embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in October 2001, and transferred them to Guantanamo in January 2002. However the Justice Department has reportedly since dropped the embassy bombing accusations. Last month, US district judge Ricardo Urbina also ordered the release of 17 Chinese Muslims, members of the Uighur ethnic group, after the government acknowledged they were not enemy combatants. About 250 prisoners are still being held at the US naval camp in Cuba on suspicion of "terrorism" or links to al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Most were detained during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 after the September 11 attacks in the US. Most have been held for years without being charged and many have complained of abuse, and the camp remains one of the most controversial aspects of the Bush administration's so-called war on terror.
Afghanistan to join the al-Qaeda network and fight against US-led forces in the country.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Not a moment passed by that I did NOT think about the US presidential elections.
My fingers were so itchy. I wanted to surf the net and blog about my days and nights.
I thought this could never happen -- I did not have time. NO TIME.
I never thought this could ever be possible. But that's the truth...so help me God!
HOWEVER -- came home. Caught up with stuff.
And YES! Barrack Hussein Obama is PRESIDENT!
That's H I S T O R Y and H I S T O R I C, people.
I rejoice. I know that he may not be as good a President as his hype want us to believe. But, I'm putting my money on him.
Never thought this day would come. Ever!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Money!
So what do we do? I mean, what if tomorrow (God forbids!) we lose our investments? Do we switch to cash? Any risks in doing that?
Well, the New York Times has a report in answer to my fear:
It’s a question we’ve all asked in our darker moments of late: Why not just put all of our investments in cash, 100 percent, just for a little while, until things calm down?
Some people already seem to be acting on that instinct. In the first six days of October (through Monday), investors pulled $19 billion out of mutual funds that invest in United States stocks, matching the outflows for the entire month of September, according to TrimTabs Investment Research.
“What clients are looking for is safety,” said John Bunch, president of retail distribution at TD Ameritrade. “They are seeking solutions that are backed by the federal government. Specifically, F.D.I.C-insured money funds and certificates of deposit. All of it is under the umbrella of, ‘Am I safe and insured?’ ”By fleeing for the comfort of safe and insured, however, investors with a time horizon beyond a few years may be doing real damage to their long-term finances. If you’re tempted to make a big move to cash right now, you’re doing something called market timing. It’s an implied statement that you’ve figured out the right moment to get out of stocks — and will also know the right time to get back in.
So let’s dispense with the first part straightaway. The right time to move out of stocks was a year or so ago, before various stock indexes the world over fell by one-third or more.
If you missed that opportunity, you’re hardly alone.
But if you sell now, you’ll be locking in your losses. And once you’re in cash, there isn’t much upside. In fact, with interest rates low, you’re likely to lose money in cash, because inflation will probably eat up the after-tax returns you earn from a savings or money-market account.
A guarantee of a small loss may sound good right now. But if you’re not bailing out of stocks once and for all, how will you know when it’s time to get back in? The fact is, any peace of mind you gain by being on the sidelines now will turn into a migraine once you see how much you can harm your portfolio over time by missing just a bit of any rebound.
H. Nejat Seyhun, a professor of finance at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, put together a study in 2005 for Towneley Capital Management, where he tested the long-term damage that investors could do to their portfolios if they missed out on the small percentage of days when the stock market experienced big gains.
From 1963 to 2004, the index of American stocks he tested gained 10.84 percent annually in a geometric average, which avoided overstating the true performance. For people who missed the 90 biggest-gaining days in that period, however, the annual return fell to just 3.2 percent. Less than 1 percent of the trading days accounted for 96 percent of the market gains.
This fall, Javier Estrada, a professor of finance at IESE Business School in Barcelona, published a similar study in The Journal of Investing that looked at equity markets in 15 nations, including the United States. A portfolio belonging to an investor who missed the 10 best days over several decades across all of those markets would end up, on average, with about half the balance of someone who sat tight throughout.
So moving to cash right now is just fine as long as you know precisely when to get back into stocks (even though you didn’t know when to get out of them).
At some point, stocks will indeed fall enough that investors will remove the money from their mattresses and put it to work, causing prices to rise significantly. But, as Bonnie A. Hughes, a certified financial planner with the Enrichment Group in Miami, put it to me, there won’t be an e-mail message or news release that goes out when this is about to happen. It will be evident only afterward, on the few days when the market surges.
And it gets worse for those who think they won’t have any trouble investing in stocks again later. Medium- or long-term investors who are considering a big move into cash right now are probably making an emotional decision, at least in part. For those who follow through, the same instincts will probably hurt when trying to figure out when to reinvest in stocks.
“The emotional forces that drove them out of the market aren’t likely to let them back in ‘until things are better,’ ” Dan Danford of the Family Investment Center in St. Joseph, Mo., said in an e-mail message. “And for most people, things won’t feel better again until the market has already moved back up.” In fact, he added, plenty of people may not allow themselves to get back in until the market has already risen significantly.
That situation is worth considering if you think your mood, or returns, can’t get any worse. “People feel worse missing out on the bounce-back that will inevitably come than they do hanging in there through the down period,” said Elaine D. Scoggins, a certified financial planner with Merriman Berkman Next in Seattle.
The truly downbeat do not see the bounce as inevitable. This outlook is essentially a bet that our current predicament is so different that the equity markets won’t bounce back at all, even though they survived 1929, the Great Depression, 1987 and a major terrorist attack. I do not believe that the markets are in some kind of permanent decline, and I haven’t found an expert who does.
That said, some retirees, or those close to leaving the work force, may be well-off enough to leave stocks behind for now. If the tumult in the economy and the decline in the markets have altered your risk tolerance, then it may make sense to move to a portfolio of Treasury bills, certificates of deposit and money market funds.
Michael G. Coli, 56, of Crystal Lake, Ill., decided to take his 401(k) money out of the market in February. As an investor in his sons’ pizza restaurants, he noticed that an increasing number of customers were relying on credit cards. And as the owner of a winter home in Naples, Fla., he witnessed the housing market dive. Taken together, he decided to pull his retirement money, which he would need in five years, from the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund and move it all into certificates of deposit.
“I had the feeling the economy was not on real firm ground,” Mr. Coli said. “I decided to get out and put it all in C.D.’s, and that is where I’ve been ever since.”
If you can’t afford to live off the proceeds of cash investments (or dividends from your investment in your kids’ pizza joints), you may have no choice but to hold on to whatever stocks you have left. Then, you can hope for a rebound that will allow you to live out your later years more comfortably. Selling now and moving to cash could mean guaranteeing a lower standard of living for the rest of your life, because you’d be locking in your losses.
But if you’re a bit younger, try to think of your investment portfolio in the same way you consider the value of your home, if you own one. After all, if you’re not moving anytime soon, your home is a long-term investment, too.
“Today’s price is not your price. Your price is 10 or 20 years from now,” said Thomas A. Orecchio, of Greenbaum & Orecchio, a wealth management firm in Old Tappan, N.J. “Unfortunately, stock market investors don’t always see things that way.”
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Really New Dawn!
Oh...forget Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's promise of a new dawn. We'll stick to this one because this will be happening for sure. Yeah, for sure.
Are you guys celebratin' back home?
Now, I'm just absorbing this whole thing and feelin' a kind of high. No, it's not the vodka. It's the thought that at least, one clown is out! And with him, the other clowns, who may be smaller, but, I can tell ya, they're the ones who've been effectively putting stupid ideas in his head!
Now, let's see -- is Datuk Seri Najib Razak Pak Lah's successor. By all counts under the current system of succssion, he is the bona fide successor.
Oh, yeah...I've been readin' stuff on home.
The way Umno works, I think, they'll want him to be. They' ll live him alone. And Tengku Razaleigh may join Pakatan.
And ooooh...I can see Anwar's people sharpening their knives, lembing and everythin' to make sure Najib drowns, and drowns.....
Man, politics kill...
I'd give this new dawn a chance..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A Damn Quick Way To Decline..
Then, yesterday, the Government ISA-ed three people -- controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Sin Chew Jit Poh senior reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok.
This afternoon, Hoon Cheng was released.
She was arrested because the police wanted to bet a clarification from her about the report she had written, quoting Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail calling the Chinese community ‘squatters’.
Also, Syed Hamid claims that she was actually in protective custody because she had received threats to her safety.
His remarks had sparked an outcry among the predominantly Chinese political parties in the ruling Barisan Nasional, particularly MCA and Gerakan.
Ahmad who has been punished by Umno with a 3-year membership suspension, insisted that he was quoted out of context.
RPK and Teresa are still being detained, their whereabouts unknown.
Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar told a Press conference today that RPK was arrested ebcasue he was unrepentant, after being warned to stop publishing inflammatory articles in his news portal Malaysia Today.
Teresa because she had criticized the "azan" (call for prayer) at a mosque. Her remarks were published by Malay daily, Utusan Malaysia.
Were all the arrests justified?
Syed Hamid believes that the police acted professionally.
Hell.... ISA arrests are never justified, man!
Looks to me that this is intimidation. Big time!
And you don't know where and when it ends.
ISA is not a tool to be fooled around with, man....you;re really signing your own death sentence!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Liar, Coward, A Pariah And, Bankrupt...
A Malaysian blog brother emailed me this bit of information.
Well I'll be!
It seems Datuk Shafee's tone against Raja Petra was hard and relentless.
Datuk Shafee said that Raja Petra is a bankrupt, and has been so for quite some time.
Here's what he said:
"We are concerned that Raja Petra thinks that being a bankrupt he does not have any obligations to law and society. This is perhaps the reason why he is so dishonest and reckless as to what he publishes. If he thinks he can hide behind his bankruptcy, he is dead wrong. So far the conduct of Raja Petra clearly shows that his sole motive is to do propaganda and truth was never his consideration at all.
For your information, I can conclusively show Raja Petra is a total liar I have independent evidence, both oral and documentary, that will show neither the office of Shafee & Co nor this conference room you are sitting in or the whiteboard you are looking at or I personally are involved in anything close to the allegation by Raja Petra that we are involved in a conspiracy relating to the case of the sodomy allegation by Saiful against Anwar Ibrahim. Raja Petra will have to show his so called evidence. He bluffs by saying he has got 6 witnesses 3 of them are datuks apparently.And I urge him that if he has that evidence, he must quickly agree for an expedited trial of this matter as the public deserves nothing less than the truth. If Raja Petra is found to be lying to the public he must be stopped fast so that the public is not misled."
I got the last detailed bit from the "thirteen million plus ringgit" blogger's posting HERE .
Thursday, August 14, 2008
And Umno's Best Offer For the Slaughter Is....
He is 52 and state assemblyman for Seberang Jaya.
He speaks Hokkien and Mandarin and Umno thinks THIS gives him the edge over Datuk Anwar Ibrahim.
In short, Arif Shah is gonna whack the crap out of Anwar on Aug 26.
Oh, man. Mercy me!
For your sake, Umno, he'd better be you best!
Monday, August 11, 2008
No Lamb Yet!
Who will it be, I wonder.
Everyone is wondering.
Umno had a little lamb..................
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Who Is Gonna Be the Lamb For Umno?
Umno knows it will lose against Anwar.
Already there are more people who DO NOT believe that DSAI sodomised his erstwhile darling "coffee-boy" Saiful Bukhari than there are those who do.
The person chosen to be pitted against DSAI is THE LAMB for the slaughter! Poor fella!
For DSAI, the by-election is a do or die. He needs this one. It's his climax. His orgasm, if you know what I mean!
What else can it be? HE HAS NOTHING TO LOSE!
Even if DSAI is a certified sodomite, there's just too much sympathy for him.
Besides, the country is in a total mess.
There are enough people out there who are convinced that DSAI can take the country out of this stink!
Najib's already a wash-out!
I'm blaming the Prime Minister for all this!
So who will he pick to be sacrificed?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
It's Okay If You Don't Believe Anything....
No one can blame you if you do not and cannot believe any of these jokers --f rom Najib, Rosmah, Raja Petra, Balasubramaniam, Saiful or Anwar.
None of them are telling the whole truth. Yet, I do believe that none of them are lying hole -- whoops, I mean, wholesale!
The crux is that it is all about politics!
So, have a great year figuring out who's really what!
And, it's okay.....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Najib Vs Anwar/ Anwar Vs Najib/Najib Vs Anwar
But I managed to keep up with news in good ole Malaysia. I think I must have gone brain-dead for some time after following the news emanating from the Altantuya murder case. Developments have been mind-boggling to say the least.
That's why this posting took a while to be written.
This is politics ala Malaysia. Tru-blu Malaysian politics. Unadulterated Malaysian politics. So dirty that you cannot see through anything.
This is all about Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's burning desire to be Prime Minister of Malaysia and Datuk Seri Najib Razak is Goddam in the blinking way. For what else can it be?
Why hasn't DSAI criticized AAB? Don't you wonder why ever not?
After all, everything relating to this is so nebulous that you are kept wondering and wondering..
I will not apologize for saying this. I am not a supporter of DSAI nor am I of DSNR. Nor am I against either of them.
This whole Goddam thing stinks to high heaven.
From the start of the Altantuya murder, it became so obvious that DSAI's lackeys have been trying their utmost to implicate DSNR and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
It is also so obvious that Raja Petra Kamaruddin (Malaysia Today) is DSAI's chief lackey. His statutory declaration is incriminating but, really --"I was reliably told blah blah blah...." This maybe evidence to some people but not to me. You must be joking.
Raja Petra wants justice but why has he not cooperated with the police Oh...I forget, the police suck. So, what option is there? Go on attacking and attacking? As though that will help!
Then came the sodomy accusation by one Saiful Bukhari against DSAI. The work of DSNR? You think? Maybe. Maybe not.
I cannot possibly believe that DSAI sodomized the boy. This could be true. But this is POLITICS. Nothing is so true. But not everything is a lie. The only thing is you're just not able to tell what's fact and what's fiction. Everything seems to be blurred and connected to produce this horrible unfolding drama.
Before you could digest this turn of events, an idiot called Balasubramaniam Perumal (a former police officer-turned-private eye who was hired by one of the accused, Razak Baginda) announced HIS statutory declaration, saying that DSNR knew the murdered Mongolian model and had in fact had anal sex with her.
Then, just like an orchestrated sequence, the Military Intelligence chief gave a press conference to say that there was no truth to Raja Petra's claim (in his statutory declaration) that there was a file on Altantuya's murder case that was purportedly submitted to AAB. The MI chief also said DSAI's claim that his life was in danger was unfounded.
As though this is not enough to whet you appetite, Balasubramaniam called for another press conference to withdraw his first statutory declaration.
And now Mr Bala has disappeared with his family.
Ok, ok...so all this is stale news to you. Maybe I have finally come around to taking a good hard look at the development.
Poor Rocky's Bru. He decided to just stay away from blogging the dirt...and yes it's all dirt.... and he got assailed, attacked .....
Poor Marina. Some bitch called, Helen Ang decided to pulverise her when she decided to "go on strike".
It's people like Helen who cannot accept any difference in opinion. It is people like her who are prejudiced.
So what if Rocky decides to take a hiatus. So what if Marina decides enough is enough!
Look...what's the point of making allegations in your statutory declaration if you are not cooperating with the police and not supporting your claims.
If you don't trust the police, then why make the statutory declaration in the first place.
Is it to see justice prevail and justice served? Or to serve someone's political agenda?
Frankly, what was Raja Petra's intention?
And Balasubramaniam's? Where the fuck is he?
As for me, it is a lurid and sordid fight for the number one post in the country. I do see invisible hands at work and at play here. But that would be just my suspicion. So I'd not want to say anything anymore.
Altantuya is dead. And all these pawns and players sure ain't helping in her case.
And I am glad I'm faraway from the madding crowd!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Obama Is Martin Luther King's Dream Come True..
Dreams do come true, Dr King.
Remembering Dr King's words:
"This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, ‘My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring’.
"And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
"And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
Friday, June 13, 2008
Everythin's Soarin' Skyhigh!
According to studies, the inflation rate shot up in May at the fastest pace in six months.
The US Labor Department has reported that consumer prices rose by 0.6 percent last month, the biggest one-month increase since last November, as gasoline costs surged by 5.7 percent.
Food prices, which have also been rising sharply, were up 0.3 percent as the cost of beef and bakery products showed big gains.
Analysts said the pressure in both the energy and food areas is likely to continue as global food shortages and rising demand push food prices up and energy costs continue to soar, reflecting a relentless surge in crude oil prices.
So, yeah, life is hard. I'd like to pack up my bags, sell off my apartment and buy a small bit of property somewhere where life is idyllic.....
Is there such a place where I can live my dreams?
The US is so big.....I'll find some place where I can grow my own food.
So, I guess this means we're all in the same rickety boat!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Live Minimally Or Bust!
Escalating prices of consumer goods across the board are well on their way to make YOUR life harder and more painful than it already is.
It is true that globally, oil prices are going up. But, I don't know, man. I am so suspicious of the AAB administration.
Have his economists done the right calculations?
Going by what I have read, you guys back home are paying way too much in way too short a time since the last hike.
Has Petronas already closed shop? Has oil exploration and rigging ceased? Have the oil "fields" dried up?
Way too much, man. Way too much.
You poor poor souls.
And now THEY tell you to cut down on this and that.
Sell your Merc or Beemer and get a Proton Perdana.
Sell your Honda and get a Proton Wira.
Will that help?
Where are the Mak Cik Minah and Aunty Lily going to find that extra cash to pay the hiked-up school bus fares?
But, let me tell you that the PM, DPM and all of them down the line should PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH.
They should be the first to cut down on all their excesses, let me tell you!
I'll go to the streets, man! This is outrageous! Because, you know what, Malaysians are being robbed from right under their noses....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I Hear You, Baby!
What a woman says: “This place is a mess! C’mon, you and I need to clean up. Your stuff is lying on the floor, and you’ll have no clothes to wear if we don’t do laundry right now!”
What a man hears: “Blah, blah, blah, blah. C’MON, YOU AND I, blah, blah, blah, blah, ON THE FLOOR, blah, blah, blah, blah, NO CLOTHES, blah, blah, blah, blah, RIGHT NOW.”
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Oh! Malaysia...

I'm so faraway but Malaysia is just a click away, so things that happen in the country don't escape me.
So, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has left Umno. Good, I say!
Why should he stay in a party whose leadership he finds so weak and clueless.
Besides, you can't say that he's a damn traitor when he criticizes the party and its leaders, can you?
Now, will there be enough leaders and members in Umno who will go his way?
You know what? Many I'm sure want to but -- they're too damn scared shitless to do it!
Yeah, yeah....deep down inside they want to. Hell they do!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Where's The Money?

I read that Parliament was told that RM7.34 billion in oil royalty was paid to Terengganu between 2004 and 2007.
This means that Terengganu received about RM2.4 billion a year. But former Menteri Besar Idris Jusoh who was helming the State during that time said he only knew that Terengganu received RM1.3 billion.
So, what happened to RM1.1 billion each year from 2004 to 2007?
Where did the money go? Who squandered the money?
Pirates! Robbers!
Nobody should get away with this CRIME!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Fixing Najib Real Good and A Very Sad Day For Malaysia...
Now, obviously Malaysians are inflamed by this oppressive act. Fingers are surely pointing to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as the ONE who ordered RPK's arrest and that he be charged for sedition. And for good measure, they got author Syed Akbar Ali charged as well for a comment he posted under one of RPK's articles.
Did he issue the order?
That said, I am in solidarity with RPK because I believe he should be free to express his views, his fears, his trepidations. And his belief that the government is corrupt.
Is he wrong?
You know what, slamming him with sedition has proven that he is right.
And Najib? He is getting the pellets, bullets and what have you! The HEAT!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
'Tis A Conspiracy To Fix Najib.!
I'm no fan of Malaysia's DPM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak but I do think that articles by certain bloggers on the Altantuya murder case are to discredit him TO THE MAX.
I agree with someone's view that bloggers like RPK and Susan Loone have got their own agenda in crucifying Najib in their blogs.
I hope they're not being paid to do that. I hope they truly believe in justice.
I don't see a shred of evidence linking Najib to the murder save for the fact that one of the accused -- Razak Baginda -- was head of his think-tank.
And now, these people are linking Najib's wife, Rosmah Mansor, to the murder as well. I think that is so unfair.
Sure, Rosmah has acquired that "domineering" and "dominating" reputation as the woman wearing the pants in house but to point a finger at her and insinuate motive on her part, well...I think that's going overboard.
Trying Najib and Rosmah in the court of public opinion in this murder case? Aww, c'mon.
I think this a conspiracy of the highest order and I can figure out the players behind this grand-scale scheme.
I won't repeat the things written about Najib.
I am reminded that Altantuya was a high-class social escort and was extorting big sums of money from Razak Baginda.
Oh..that's hearsay?
That is probably the ONLY established fact in the murder case.
Of course, she didn't deserve to be killed that way, or any other way. Nobody does.
I hope her killers will be punished!
I still think that there is a big-time conspiracy to fix Najib real good!
May the truth save us all!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Reforming the ACA?
Just look at the ACA investigations of the RM1.4million expenditure by the Youth and Sports Ministry while Azalina Othman Said was helming it.
Last Friday, the ACA issued a statemen tthat Azalina acted only as patron of the Women’s Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia, and was not involved in the expenditure matters of the foundation.
In a nutshell, the ACA has cleared Azalina of any wrongdoing or corrupt practices.
It said that it had checked all the related documents, and interviewed several staff of the foundation.
“On the RM1.4mil expenditure, the auditor had translated persembahan to entertainment, when persembahan in this context meant the opening and closing ceremonies of the National Women’s Games,” it said.
The Sun had reported that the foundation, in its annual report, stated that expenditure included Rr the M2.1mil for meals and accommodation, RM710,000 for printing and stationery, RM242,000 for volunteers’ allowances, RM1.4mil for entertainment and RM858,000 for travelling and transportation.
You know, nobody accused Azalina of corrupt practices. What's contentious is the National Sport Council approving of RM9.72 million foundation and another RM1.5 million by the ministry.
Get it?
And I hear that Azalina and the ACA boss are buddies.
It seems he had assured her that everything will be A-OK. And surprise, surprise, everything was!
And that, my friends, is reforming the ACA, Malaysian style....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Anwar Ibrahim For Prime Minister?
You can't argue anymore on this.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is a hopeless case and should by now have retired, and enjoy bliss with ex-sister-in-law Jean who is his wife now.
TDM is great and you anti-Mahathir out there know that.
So is Anwar although I know those Anwar haters are trumping up charges that he is a CIA agent.
Anwar believes that he will be Malaysia's Prime Minister within four years. By September this year, Anwar thinks he can already form the federal government.
Wishful thinking or for real?
Some people are already looking at him as Malaysia's De Facto PM.
And where does Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Ser Najib Tun Razak figure in all this?
If Anwar makes good his threat, Najib should be somewhere far far away in a Greek Isle....as far away as he can from Anwar who's gonna make him Ambassador for Mongolia.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Spoilt Little Boys Of Umno..
Old Man Dollah is beyond redemption. Beyond anything. He is so thick that not even a 10-inch needle can prick him. And what a dang prick he is!
Umno saboteurs indeed.
Well, that's what he said -- if Umno members themselves had not sabotaged the party, the Barisan Nasional would have won in 14 "white" (safe) constituencies. And BN would not have been denied its two-thirds majority.
Can you believe he actually said that loud and clear?
Folks, this man is unbelievable.
I am convinced Umno is an exclusive club for spoilt little boys -- who are deaf, dumb and blind.
Old Man Dollah's "revelation" is beyond the enial syndrome. It's so pathetic I wanna puke.
And you know what -- the party deserves to be whatever the boys want it to be -- a loser, of titanic proportion.
Umno does not deserve to be saved!
Shame, shame, shame on YOU!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Rockers and Republican

Away from Malaysian politics. Nothing to write about until Old Man Dollah hangs up his towel.
Poor thing. Poor soul. Doesn't he know that it's time. IT IS TIME.
The grave is getting deeper and deeper, Sir.
Anyway, let's talk about stuff in the US of A.
Apparently, a survey was done and the results have established a strong link between male rockers and the Republican vote.
But you have to be male and a Led Zeppelin fan. Then, chances are that you may be leaning toward voting Republican in the U.S. presidential election.
This is, according to a survey of rock radio fans released on Wednesday (April 2, 2008)
Well, I'll be!
Doggone it!
Here's part of the story:
The Jacobs Media's Media/Technology Web Poll IV of more than 27,000 respondents cited stronger than expected interest in the November 2008 election among fans of rock, classic rock, and alternative radio stations.
It also found that John McCain, the Republican candidate for U.S. president, was the top pick for the Oval Office for men and classic rock partisans -- those people who tune in to stations playing music from the "original classic rock era" of 1964 to 1975, comprised of bands like Led Zeppelin, The Who and Pink Floyd.
Jacobs Media said the survey, conducted among 69 U.S. rock-formatted stations in markets as diverse as Los Angeles and Knoxville to Buffalo, found 84 percent of the respondents planned to vote in the November election.
"People are clearly engaged by this election, even rockers. A lot of stations tend to shy away from politics because it's so polarizing, but this data suggests they'd better find a way to talk about politics this fall to keep listeners interested," said Fred Jacobs, president of Jacobs Media. He said the company threw the political questions in as an afterthought and was surprised by the results.
The survey was conducted in late February and early March.
The full story, click here.
They got this one right.
I'm a Led Zeppelin fan. But I'm female, I AM and you'de better believe it.
And that's why I'm no Republican. Thank God!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
You're Not Cutting It, Sir!
Let me recap: After the elections and Barisan Nasional i.e Umno won Terengganu, Old Man Dollah's choice was, naturally Idris Jusoh. But the Sultan had other ideas and appoined Ahmad Said instead.
The old man was adamant. So was the Sultan, and, hey, he is THE King.
Old Man Dollah said the Sultan's appointment was unconstutional. Meanwhile those asslickers and apple polishers did what they're good at -- protest, threaten to boycott the swearing-in and blah blah blah...
And the Sultan was adamant and sent out a letter of appointment to the man of his choice.
And in the sidelines -- drama here and there.
And suddenly, the voice of reason -- "go seek an audience with the Sultan". I think that was from Muhyiddin Yassin.
Now, couldn't old man Dollah have thought about that? Or if he was so incapabale of thinking, couldn't someone from that smart-ass pool of plundering advisers of his tell him? For crying out loud!
Yes, the King and him met. And slap, slap, slap. Old man Dollah had to concede. Eat very humble pie, pudding or budu.
What were you thinking, Dollah? You were going to thrash it all with the Sultan out from your position -- a position of WEAKNESS?
You know what all this had done to the PM?
It has confirmed many people's belief that he is not fit for the job! I shudder just thinking that the office of the Prime Minister is being run by a group of eager young punks!
Sir...don't do this to yourself. You're just not cutting it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Crisis in Turtle Land...
Terengganu is no longer turtle country. Heck...are there anymore turtles there?
Terengganu has gone all elitist -- The Crystal Mosque, The Monsoon Cup, The Heritage Bay --- all for the dear dear rakyat.
Is that why they're having that little crisis in Terengganu?
Which part of "the people know what's going on" that Old Man Dollah and his cronies don't understand?
Suddenly Dollah feels emboldened that he has sent a strong message to Tuanku Mizan not to mess with him, the PM.
And then, the crap is too much and he's shitting bricks, huh?
Dollah, Mr Patrick Lim and Khairy -- here's my message to you -- YOU CAN FOOL SOME PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME BUT NOT EVERYONE ALL THE TIME.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Rafidah For President!
Challenge old man Dollah for the presidency!
It ain't right what old man Dollah did, dropping you the way he did.
Why? Because Rafidah Aziz is AP Queen?
I think despite the spectre of the AP hovering on her head, she is still Malaysia's BEST trade negotiator.
She was a good International Trade and Industry Minister. The best. And that's saying it mildly.
Rafidah was tough and damn good, I tell ya.
I have watched her perform and she can give any foreign trade delegation a good run for their money.
Man, she's got balls. Heck, the only one in Dr Mahathir's Cabinet and Old Man Dollah's.....
And isn't she the Wanita Umno chief? She did win the Kuala Kangsar parliamentary seat, didn't she?
Dollah, was that really your decision or did someone tell you that she's gonna fuck up the FTA deal?
Muhyiddin Yassin is a pushover, man. The Americans will eat him alive.
Rafidah --- go for the presidency!
Challenge Dollah!
Monday, March 17, 2008
A New Malaysia --- Almost
What mor can we ask for?
Yes...a long time coming.
If it's not because of my preoccupation with the Malaysian political development, I'd be faithfully blogging about the Obama-Clinton saga.
So, five states now in the hands of a new government (of the opposition).
I hear that in Selangor, the opposition were more shocked by their unprecedented victory more than anyone else.
No brainer, really. Hiccups all the way. But that's what changes are all about.
Strapping new Malaysia.....nearly there.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Hail, y'all for daring to make that change.
Here's to a new dawn, a new hope and a NEW MALAYSIA!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Fast And Furious
With just about a week to polling day, I see the caretaker government has made tons of announcements about dishing out the goodies and promising more.
Damn! the gall of it all!
And fast and furious doing that too!
People, that's your money they're promising to give away!
And I see that local diva Siti Nur Haliza has been dragged into politics.
I read about her urging voters to make the best decision based on what the government has given so that "we can live comfortably and peacefully".
She asked them to think about what is best for them and the future generations (of Malaysians).
I believe she was speaking in Gemas (somewhere in Negeri Sembilan) at a campaign of one of the candidates.
Apparently, her husband, the very randy businessman Khalid Jiwa is a personal friend of Shaziman Abu Mansor, who was until the dissolution of parliament, the Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister.
He is defending his Tampin seat.
And isn't Shaziman a relative of Khairy Jamaluddin?
Enough said!
And oh...not being mean, personal or judgmental here. But wasn't Siti THE cause of Khalid leaving his wife and kids?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
If I Could Vote...
I've been away a mighty long time.
Besides I can no longer vote.
Does that mean I cannot talk about the elections in Malaysia, although I know what's going on?
Now if I could vote on March 8, I will most certainly reject the Barisan Nasional.
I know that the Barisan Nasional cannot be ousted because its support is broad and mass-based.
But I'd want my vote to make a difference and I know that my vote counts.
So, I will reject the Barisan Nasional because I want to send a strong message to the government that I cannot and will not tolerate the abuses, arising from a very weak leadership.
I reject the Barisan Nasional because I abhor Khairy Jamaluddin's rise to power that smacks of abuse, conflict of interest and corruption.
I reject the incumbent coalition because of the way it treats Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Oh...I am no fan of the good doc but I think the way Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's people go around maligning him is highly unacceptable.
Aah...if I could vote...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Power To the People!
You see, everybody is saying that the incumbent coalition will be badly thrashed this time.
But will it? Really?
Why do you say that it will be?
Is it because EVERYONE is unhappy with its performance?
Is EVERYONE so unhappy with the Prime Minister and his abdication of duty?
Does EVERYONE regard his holidaying abroad as holidaying abroad or WORKING HARD TO SELL THE COUNTRY?
(Pssst.... not sell off the country as some people believe. Well, not yet, anyway.)
You've gotta be realistic.
The coalition's heartland is rural Malaysia. Where does the heart and mind of rural folk lie?
Are they still believing the propaganda machine of the Information Ministry? hook, line and sinker?
You can laugh at the un-hip-ness of RTM and their outmoded strategy to influence the population.
In fact, no strategy at all. But it works on the rural mass.
Let me tell you that in the absence of any medium other than TV and radio, man...RTM sells!
Your fishermen and padi farmer do not have computers and do not even know what a blog is.
The internet is a powerful tool for politicians and these politicians can reach out to voters that way.
Bloggers can bitch about the coalition all they want but do they reach out to the majority of the people?
If voters read Rocky's Bru and believe what he says, then it's adieu to the coalition.
So, whatever your beliefs are, this is the time to put them in the ballot box.
Power to the people!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pervert of a (Malaysia Airlines) Pilot
You know, Malaysia Airlines pilots could either be perverts, sex maniacs or druggies.
Part of this accusation is proven true -- one of their pilots was convicted in an Australian Court for having three video clips of child pornography in his laptop.
Can you beat that, folks?
No excuse, I tell you. No excuse. And no mercy for this pervert.
Been reading the websites and blogs, and I do agree that the Malaysian authorities should follow-up this pilot's case. If the police are still investigating little Sharlinie's disappearance, then, it is a no-brainer that they should check out his story.
By the way, the pervert's name is Ahmad Said. He's 25, married and has two children.
There should be a restraining order to keep him away from his kids.
Also stories of pilots piloting aircrafts while high on drugs, abound. That's enough to make me quit flying MAS.
But why aren't the management and the head honcho doing anything?
They do not care or they do not care?
Like --let MAS take a swift decline, huh?
What? Is this some sinister conspiracy to kill MAS?
These are not the work of unseen hands. Whose hands they belong to are obvious.
So, why isn't anyone saving MAS?
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Not Universiti Malaya!
I know how attractive in real estate terms the land on which the University of Malaya campus stands.
What a goldmine!
Developers would grab it given the chance, the opportunity.
And now, they've got the chance.
Under the present regime, nothing is sacred.
Indeed, not any inch on which UM stands.
People are making a killing.
The re-development of any part of that land ain't benefiting the rakyat, that's for sure!
It seems a greedy asshole by the name of Annuar Zaini who happens to be the Prime Minister's crony who writes most of his speeches and who also happens to be on the university's council has given 27 acres of UM's land to a private developer.
It is a kind of trade-off. In return the university gets 5 acres of the land and a RM3 million club house.
(I got this information from Rocky's Bru who got it from a pro-Umno blogger Big Dog.)
Yeah....everyone has a price....
Thursday, February 7, 2008
If Things Were Different...
They'd be rejected BIG time way before the buzz starts.
For as long as Malaysia practices the present system of electing its state and parliamentary representatives, people like Abdullah and other unbelievably horrid representatives of the people will continue to "serve".
Corrupt leaders will continue to get the votes of their needy and grateful constituents.
I'm sorry, Malaysia.
It's up to you to change things...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Obama or Clinton?
What I ask is -- do I want someone who can really bring change to the country.
Barrack Obama is eloquent in his speech. But is he as good a doer as he is a talker?
I don't know.
Hilary Clinton is no mega-oratorical star.
But I hear you get to listen to her in her element in small groups. That's when she offers you brilliant ideas and assessments.
We'll see.
That day will come when we all have to decide who we want based on our perception of the candidates.
Hell. I don't know them from Adam. Or Eve.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Send a (Strong) Message

Now, that's what I'd do when I throw in that little piece of very valuable paper into that very valuable little box!
And the message is that I want a better Malaysia!
People, I don't know how to make this any simpler -- the Prime Minister needs to be humbled. His son-in-law needs to be humbled. The current administration needs to be humbled.
You think I'm talking rubbish. I am not. I talk to many people. Real people. Malaysians. Unhappy Malaysians.
The stories they tell are not fables. They are real.
The PM doesn't run the county, does he?
And the son-in-law has made nepotism such a vile word that you wish it does not exist.
Besides, I'd be embarrassed to have a Prime Minister like that. I don't have to go into details, do I?
You all know.
People, make up your mind! Do you want progress or are you fine with third-world running of the country!
Ok...the ruling Barisan Nasional cannot lose, that's for sure. Kepala Batas will remain the PM's fort(ress).
But, send a message, will you -- that you will not be bullied into accepting this kind of shit from them. Don't help the son-in-law build a dynasty. You'll regret it, people.
Listen. Your vote counts!
Happy Voting!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
You Know You're Getting Dumped when....

2. Your partner forgets to call. It's just not like him/her. He/she's the one who calls you endlessly with all that mushy "I love you". Something's really amiss when you were on his/her speed dial but now....his/her line is always busy.
3. He/she starts making adjustments to his appearance, like chopping his/her hair, or colouring it. Major cosmetic change has been known to be one sure sign that your partner's trying to impress someone. And, sorry, honey, it ain't you.
4. Your partner starts finding fault in almost everything you do. You know, criticising you over little things -- the way you brush your teeth, you do your hair, your jokes..whatever. He/she just does not find you attractive no more. Constant criticisms are a tell-tale sign that your lovey-dovey days as a couple are numbered.
5. Your partner just does not feel like makin' sweet love to ya. If you're the gal getting that "I've got a headache" treatment, let me tell you that your bed partner's lying through and through. Honey, men are naturally horny. They need sex and more sex. Hell, if they can have it right here right now, they would. So, if he seems to just be having a headache for weeks on end and not lovin' you and your body for that length of time, something's amiss. Honey, get the hell out of that relationship. He's screwing someone else for sure. Or his damn dick's sick.
Let it be known that I didn't say all this. A love expert by the name of Elina Furman did.
And you know what? I believe her. These are the top 5 signs that you are getting the boot.
No matter who's the one getting the "adios" or "it was good while it lasted" message -- the guy or the gal.
It's still painful. It will ache.
If you're the poor bruised gal, just know when your partner's been humping someone else's sweet honey so you can dump him first before he starts that "we need to talk" bit.
And if you're the poor soul of a guy, you have a choice of just packing your things or, clobber that other man!
Parting is such sweet sorrow, I tell ya!
Friday, January 11, 2008
It Could Have Been Incest....

Or it was?
Before it was prolonged, it was ended. It had to. A judge made sure of that. What a sad story. It's a story of two people who should not have fallen in love because they were brother and sister. They were twins!
Twins separated at birth and adopted by separate parents later married each other without realising they were brother and sister.
The pair were granted an annulment after a High Court judge ruled the marriage had never validly existed.
The identities of the British pair and details of the relationship and marriage have been kept secret.
But it is known that they were separated soon after birth.
They were never told they were twins.
They did not discover they were blood relatives until after the wedding.
The case was uncovered by Lord Alton in a conversation with a High Court judge.
He used it to highlight perceived deficiencies in the Human Embryology and Tissues Bill, currently going through Parliament.
I can't begin to imagine how that happened. There's a moral in that story, I know.
But isn't it just so tragic?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I Want a Happy-er New Year!

For the world, 2007 was dotted with natural and man-made disasters and catastrophes.
And wham! Benazir Bhutto made the finale. Tragic. I'm no fan of hers. But, I shed tears. I can tell you that she is one brave woman. Or careless.
I am a mere mortal. And I am not religious. But, I'd pray anyway. For peace on earth!
Have a happy new year! A lot of "ong", eh, in the number 2008?