Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Obama or Clinton?

I don't ask myself -- do I want a black or a woman as President?
What I ask is -- do I want someone who can really bring change to the country.
Barrack Obama is eloquent in his speech. But is he as good a doer as he is a talker?
I don't know.
Hilary Clinton is no mega-oratorical star.
But I hear you get to listen to her in her element in small groups. That's when she offers you brilliant ideas and assessments.

We'll see.
That day will come when we all have to decide who we want based on our perception of the candidates.
Hell. I don't know them from Adam. Or Eve.


J.T. said...

How about McCain?

eva's haven said...


I don;t have faith in Republicans...
although essentially, there is very little difference btween democrat and republican.

but..no. I can't count on them to better the country.
the main difference is in progessiveness. just look at who make up the republican.