As far as I am concerned, Salman Rushdie deserves all the death threats and the death fatwa that have been coming his way.
While I think his book "Satanic Verses" displayed his stature as an novelist, it contained blasphemous verses that, naturally got Muslims inflamed.
Now, I would not be too excessive or go overboard in my praises.
Ooh. I do feel so sorry for him, knowing how terrifying it must be to be living every day of your life in fear - of being killed anytime and anywhere.
But surely, a man of his intelligence must have known the score.
Besides, I do not think he is all that the Brits and the Americans have made him out to be -that he is so damn brilliant.
I think they like what he has been writing because he has written bad things about Islam and Muslims. And he happened to be a
Muslim when he wrote that contentious book. At least, that was what he was purported to be. I don't think he is a Muslim anymore. Now, I am not so sure if he ever was.
Not that I care. Anyway, that don't matter no more.
What I know and what I care is that he has insulted Islam and Muslims. No, I would not go to the extreme of wanting to have his head because I believe that it is not for mere mortals to punish him.
And I am a peace-loving woman of the universe.
But I think he deserves what he gets. He should know what he was in for when he wrote all those blasphemous things.
Salman baby. You can run but you cannot hide. They're gonna get you.
Now they're giving you a knighthood,
Don't be misled. They are giving you a knighthood not because of your immense contribution to literature but MORE because you have served their anti-Islam scheme very well and because, as a Pakistani newspaper editorial said, you were "one of the few intellectuals with clout in the west who had supported the US-led invasions of
Iraq and
Afghanistan after 9/11".
So, you're their man, man.
Don't you just love the attention!
I agree that it is an affront to Muslim sentiments but I would not go so far as ordering you killed or justifying suicide attacks.
But, Salman honey, you know that there are extremists out there.
Already in Pakistan, hard-line Muslims are chanting "Kill him! Kill him!". That's you, sweetie.
Wish I can help you there.
I can understand why the honour (given to you on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth's 81st birthday) had hurt the sentiments of Muslims across the world.
Oh. Don't feign ignorance. You're from the sub-continent. You know what's going on there. And nearby Iran.
Robert Brinkley, Britain's high commissioner to Pakistan, defended his government's decision to honor you for your contributions to literature.
Yeah. That's your friend. And man, don't you just need friends now. I mean powerful friends.
As far as the Brits are concerned, you are one of the most prominent novelists of the late 20th century whose 13 books have won numerous awards, including the Booker Prize for "Midnight's Children" in 1981.
"It is simply untrue to suggest that this in anyway is an insult to Islam or the Prophet Muhammed, and we have enormous respect for Islam as a religion and for its intellectual and cultural achievements," Brinkley said.
Sigh. Why don't I believe you, Bobby baby?
In 1989, Iran's spiritual leader, spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a
fatwa or religious edict/decree to kill /assassinate Salman because "The Satanic Verses" insulted Islam.
threat forced the "convicted blasphemer" to live in hiding for a decade.
Aaah.... but he couldn't bear the hibernation, the isolation.
He got out and partied, man. Left his loyal wife for the younger, sexier model by the name of Padma.
Iran and Pakistan have protested the decision by the Brits to award the blasphemer with a knighthood.
Sir Salman. Well, in this life, man. In this life.