Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Want a Manny, I do!

Oooh. What a delicious idea!
I am thinking of having a baby - with or without a husband -- just so I can hire a manny! Yep -- manny. You've got that right -- male nanny.
I mean, why should a nanny be female?
Why not a gender of our choice?
Britney Spears had one last year. A real hunk to boot.
Of course, he started out as a bodyguard but his duties expanded to include taking care of her kids. And of her, naturally.
Not a dumb blonde, she aint.
Well, today mannies are the hottest "things" to have.
And, I hear, you shouldn't leave home without yours.
I am wondering - must I have a baby to hire a manny?

Ooh.. I want a manny, I do!


Lee said...

Hi Eva, was at JT's Blog, noticed your callsign and being kaypoh, peeped in.
Nice blog and pics too, and hmmmm, very interesting post.
First time I hear about "manny"? Ha ha.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only lovers will leave a footprint in your heart.
You have a nice day, Eva. UL.

eva's haven said...


hello..long time no see.

thanks for visiting.
ahah... how right you are.
i am reflecting on my life not too long ago...

have a nice day too!

shar101 said...

Hiya Eva,

Somehow, short naps in the afternoon and nappy change will never be the same again.

Meanwhile, did you hear about the housekeep who does it in the buff or if you wish, in any fantasy attire you desire, Peaches?

Hmmm...still got those thongs we didn't use at Tioman.

P.S. Attended MRT this week and I had to fend off an avalanche of questions from the ladiez about you.

the witch's broo said...


wouldn't it be something? to have one around in times of emergency....

however, I don't see this happening in malaysia..
They'll probably make it unlawful..
to much sensitivity ... and religion.

eva's haven said...

oooh shar sweets,
how's my honeybunch?

wouldn't you like to be my manny? I aint got no baby, hon. Just me, myself and sexy I.
I'd pay you more than what you're gettin' now?
Them thongs didnt get to be much used, huh?
I'll wear them the next time. Promise! But, oh, I'm not known to be keeping such promises 'specially
when it comes to wearin' anythin'.

Hey, sweets... talkin' about moi?
oooh.... any sexy details?

eva's haven said...


aah. what a pity. a tragedy.

you can still keep one. just don't be tellin' nobody, darling.

take care.
and how's that anthonio of yours?

eva's haven said...


sorry luvvie,

i meant ANTONIO...

keep him (antonio) happy (read:have great sex)


there was something about mannies on E!(channel 76: Malaysia.)
The witch is right... you wont see them working openly here.

eva's haven said...


now you don't have to tell anyone, y'know....


Lee said...

Hi Eva, wow! Reading your member's comments, sexy and all that, what with thongs and bikinis, thats the kind of photo one should have to show Santa Clause what we want for X'mas, ha ha.
Keep well, Eva. UL.

eva's haven said...

ok. i knew this was going to happen.
looks so naughty, huh? truth is, blogger Shar and I are plain fooling around.
i'm in faraway land and he is in malaysia.
dunno how we started fooling around cyberspace.
just for fun, sir, just for fun.
good clean sexy fun.


eva's haven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tony -stand-up philosopher said...

Hi Eva,
Haven't been here for awhile. Interesting this manny thing. Since I just sold my cafe, may give this a thought. Will discuss with Shar101 about this the next time we meet, ie tomorrow at NPC. Take care.

eva's haven said...


hello hello hello.

I'd say that you should give some very serious thought.

The NPC? is that the national press club that i keep seeing popping here, there and everywhere.

We have some really great press clubs here where the press can have a good time.

do tell me if you and shar would want to do a manny!