Monday, August 27, 2007

Blogs To Their Rescue...

Here's what I found in AFP.
Sheesh...wonders never cease!

In Seoul, Korea, schoolchildren are getting smart. They can't do their homework, they find someone -- well, where else but the Internet -- to do it. For a fee, of course.

Here's the story:

A portal lists more than 500 websites devoted to homework with fees to pupils ranging from 8,000-10,000 won (eight dollars 50 cents to 11 dollars), The Korea Times said. "I need to write three English diaries by the end of the week," a 12-year said in a message posted on one site.
"I don't really want to write them. Who can write for me and how much do I have to pay?"
There are also websites offering already-completed homework, with individual material downloadable for 500 won, the paper said. Others offer children a chance to share projects. Experts worry that such sites could send students the wrong message, that they can buy whatever they want, the paper said.

Oh. This is not good!
Wonder if their parents and teachers are aware of this?

Or have the kids outsmarted them?


Pak Zawi said...

Eva, it will soon reach our shore if it hasn't reach us yet. At higher levels I know of people doing papers for other people for a fee. The work involve involve in writing up, printing and binding. If it is something of financial benefit, somebody will ofcourse be willing to do it. To them it's and honest job. its the person who pay them that cheats.

eva's haven said...


indeed. there is always a downside to progress, to modern technology that is supposed to enrich our lives. i suppose, at the touch of a keypad, our lives are transformed. everything imaginable is at our fingertips, including the ugly side of our lives, of the human race.

thank you, Sir, for reminding us that life is about being honest.
thank God...all is not lost.

J.T. said...

There is a price for everything. As Zawi says, it is the person who pays that cheats.

Same thing can be applied to any other situation in life where people look for short cuts. The person who seeks and pays is the one who bears the "burden".

I think some kids are just emulating their parents. When they see their parents buying their way out of things, the child thinks it is okay. I guess in some other cases, the parents have no clue what the child is doing.

Anonymous said...

It started on our shores - even without the internet. Malay students at university were given extra classes....all dealing with the topics that would appear in their exam papers. I know because a Malay girl who was sweet on me lent me her notes from these classes. For all I know it still continues in Malaysia today. Who says Malaysia is backward in such things?

shar101 said...

So, what happened to the art of baking your own cake. It used to be a tradition for individuality. Now, it's a chore?

Good basic family values has gone down the toilet, I say.

Anywayz, I wouldn't want anybody doing my 'homework'.

eva's haven said...

JT: sometimes, a wrong is committed to rampantly that it becomes a norm...

this is sad because children will notmknow the difference between right and wrong.

anon@8:10pm: really? that's terrible.

shar: hi, hon...they don't make children like they used to...

shar101 said...


Making em is still like it used to be, right? You doing the wild thang and all. I'm a little too old to learn new tricks.

Raising em is something else though.

Ok, ok, I'm crossing 'i's and dotting 't's.

Have a nice weekend, dear. Will be at Zorro's son's wedding reception tonight (Sat 1/9/07).

eva's haven said...

shar honeybunch...

oh...nothing's changed in that dpartment, hons.
Old dogs do great tricks, sugar. didja know that?

Weekend was as ok as other weekends..

and howuz the wedding?

shar101 said...

Well, Peaches,

I got to dance with four elegant ladiez, all at the same time, coz their other halves were 'busy'. Honestly, they made me do it, Luv. The ladiez, I mean. I believe Tony S.U.P. has a photo.

Anywayz, at the start of the reception and for a while, there was an empty seat beside me, prompting one of the ladiez to say "Eva's?".

Now, wouldn't it be just lovely if you had turned up.

eva's haven said...

Oh Shar!
You're a real lady'z man, y'are!

Four ladiezzzz....Jezuz! Christ in Heaven!
You lucky devil!

Now, if I could, I'd fly right there and make my way to the reception and sit next to ya!

It would be so lovely if I had turned up...but, well, I'm here and you're there, honeybunch!

Another wedding, perhaps, Sweets.
Now, happy boogeying....but thake care of that, er, er....behind and of course, them legs..!