That's what I like about this beautful world of ours, someone special is born every century.
Martin Hof of the Netherlands talks to geese. Call him a goose whisperer if you like.
I learnt something about geese from him -- that they are monogamous. And there is a good reason we have to understand and appreciate this fact -- when a goose loses his or her partner, he/she will be pining for the loss and will make a lot of noise.
Of course, people do not understand this. So a noisy goose and a cackle of noisy geese aint music to the ears, you know what I'm saying?
Here's where Martin's talent, gift and skill are useful.
He calms the fowls so that they are not a nuisance to humans.
See, Netherlands is an animal friendly nation. The only country with an Animal Rights party in Parliament.
They CANNOT kill animals any which way they like. Because they have made a promise to their people and the animals of Netherlands, they cannot slaughter animals that are a pest, even though I am sure, some Dutch people are regretting their decision to be so animal friendly.
Anyway, please read about Martin and the geese in Netherlands.
So interesting I tell ya.
Click here, s'il vous plait.
geese are monogamous. amazing.
the gypsy,
that's what the goose whisperer said.
we'll just have to take his word for it, won't we?
Aaah... to make a goose out of our man..
wouldn't you like that!
Interesting facts about geese - from partnership to laws protecting them. Oh.. pretty picture too.
Thanks for sharing. :)
thanks again, JT.
I'd like to whisper barely audible sweet nothings into your ear, Peaches.
Then again, we've got an audience and lately, they seem to take notice of our shenanigans.
Will settle for some 'virtual' cuddles though but go easy on the 'bear' hugs, will ya.
Speaking of animals, I do miss Rusty(12), Benjy(10) and Snowy(16).
These are my cats' names and ages when they went to cat-nip heaven. Never had the heart to replace them since.
Have a great weekend. (Wherever you are).
shar honeybunch,
you naughty naughty boy, sneaking up on me like that.... mmmm
yeah, i kinda notice that..uh uh...what we say to each other seem to be attracting some attention.
can't help bein' naughty with ya, hon.
here's the mmm sweet nothings and ooh.. the more-than-hugs.
now, you take care, y'hear.
i know where you are, sweets.
aaah...love your pussycats..bet you'd love mine too.
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